Yesterday in chapel we showed a new film piece from our recent Zambia trip where some of our incredible Zambian leaders and caregivers discuss the impact of malaria in their lives and's the link to watch an incredibly moving and educational piece:
After we showed this video I read something I recently wrote after watching it to our student body...the words remind me and I hope inspire you to continue to pursue a world without malaria...those words are here below...
And you've heard today
from our friends in Zambia the scope of this 1 problem, this disease called
malaria. And you've heard the incredible power of the solution called an
insecticide treated bed net.
And God in His
sovereignty, in His surprising plan, has invited our school to help make others
aware of what happens every night when Mosquitos buzz into homes in Africa. And
he's called us to be a leader in rewriting that story and giving life in all
its fullness without malaria to this next generation in places like Ndola,
GO week is about
learning. And GO week has to be about doing as followers of the God who
desperately loves every nation and person in our world.
Wednesday night is our
final night of nets event for this fall. The men's soccer team started this
event 5 years ago. And our passion as a team and as a campus still continues to
grow as God enlarges both our hearts and our visions for global impact. They
are actually hoping to raise the funds thru one match to provide every home,
1500 at risk families, who still need a bed net served by our partner Jubilee
Ministries in a place where malaria season is just around the corner…
I love the fact that
one of our defining traditions now, one of our can't miss events at CU, is
something where we do something focused on the other, the least of these as we
watch a game on a beautiful fall night featuring something on a grass field our
African friends love dearly, and we cheer together for this school, this
community of faith we all are part of...
I hope...I actually do
pray you'll be there Wednesday night at 7pm on our soccer field. Wear your NON
shirt (buy one and save a life like almost 1000 others already have…it’s the thing
this year). I need a great all campus shot at halftime. Don't buy Starbucks for
the next 2 days, skip a movie this coming weekend, or just give with gratitude
$6 as you head into the stands because the reality is that those green nets you
saw in African huts on a video today are the ones that $6 of our money
collected in an orange bucket at our CU athletic events purchased for their
families. They are the ones that my 11 year old sponsored child Darwin who
wants to show me his own book he's published someday now sleeps under because
of some of you who went to a night of nets match...
Is this the world you
want? It’s a question we all have to daily ask and face as followers of the one
who proclaimed He had come to bring the Kingdom…If not, let's make it different
Wednesday night...
After we showed this video I read something I recently wrote after watching it to our student body...the words remind me and I hope inspire you to continue to pursue a world without malaria...those words are here below...
I don’t know about
you, but when I run across a huge problem, something I know just isn't right,
when the world does not look like I want it to look and how I believe God
intends it to be, I want to come up with a viable and effective and long term