Saturday, August 19, 2017


A few years ago I listened to a podcast featuring a conversation between Andy Stanley and Clay Scroggins examining the topic of how you can still lead even when you aren't the top dog leader in a team, organization, ministry or group...

The content was so rich that I quickly created a short talk around it that I shared in multiple settings across our Cornerstone University campus...and it was one of the best received talks I had given in a long while...

SO I was thrilled this summer when Clay published a book titled HOW TO LEAD WHEN YOU'RE NOT IN CHARGE (
expanding and growing the content on this topic that is so compelling for millions of leaders who don't have the positional authority they sometime wish they did...

I recently finished reading it in preparation for another school year of leadership opportunities and responsibilities on our university campus...and I can't wait to share copies of it with some of the incredible student development and athletics young leaders I get to work with on a daily basis...

In particular I love his focus on and development of 4 crucial behaviors for all of us who seek to leverage our influence in those moments when we lack authority:

1. LEAD YOURSELF: you are always in charge of you

2. CHOOSE POSITIVITY: ability to see how what you do fits in the big picture

3. THINK CRITICALLY: we must become better thinkers in ways that benefit others

4. REJECT PASSIVITY: you will never passively find what you don't actively pursue

My professional life has been filled with positions and challenges and experiences where I had the chance to lead and challenge up as a leader...and this book is truly a resource that provides a great theological, practical, and inspirational framework calling everyone to not wait till you have the authority to lead and miss out on leadership moments you will never get back...

There's some great resources available as you share the book with others or use it in a leadership development context for those on your team:

I'm always grateful for great leadership reads...hope you get a chance to read this one soon!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Root Yourself in Community

Loved these thoughts from Margaret Feinberg...need to be reminded of this often when I run at a pace where I'm falling short when it comes to experiencing real community personally while trying to serve my work community...

You can have all the online friends you want. Just make sure you have more in real life. For eight years, my husband, Leif, and I traveled together. I spoke and he managed me. For several years, we were on the road more than 200 nights per year. My marriage would have dissolved if we didn’t travel together.

During those years, we became detached from our local community. I held onto a handful of long-time friendships, but we were out of sync with a normal paced life. We weren’t free for weekend barbecues or bar mitzvahs with neighbors.

I nurtured long-distant relationships with friends around the country via phone and text, but I missed the local, real-life connection. Since then, Leif and I have nestled into a community and we’re loving every minute of it. No one cares about my profession. They care about me. And that’s a beautiful gift.

Jess and Matt’s kids attack me with bear hugs. Leah hunts treasures with me at garage sales. Ann and Andrea take long hikes with me in the rain. Greg and Jeri share their favorite restaurants. All are all antidotes to that toxic lollipop of online life.
One little secret: I’ve spent a lot of time with the headliners of the largest Christian conferences and all of them—sooner or later—beg to get off the road.
I wish someone had told me that sooner.