Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Looking Back and Ahead: A Quick Review of 2013 and A Few Hopes for 2014

As we head into 2014 in the midst of a very cold and snowy winter season here in west MI, I once again want to take a few minutes to look back and dream ahead...

3 Reflections from 2013:

1. Settling in deeply in Grand established and doing well in schools; developing our favorite places and traditions; experiencing all west MI has in terms of the beach/lake and culture; small group connections via church; discovering professional fulfillment and service connections and partnerships that fit us as a family and as individuals...

It's interesting to see when you hit that tipping point and you feel like this is fully home...and I think our fifth year has brought us to that place in many ways...

2. Hiring new members of my Student Engagement team at Cornerstone University...I've loved having several new folks as part of the area I lead at our school...they are talented and passionate young leaders, close friends, and like-minded servants of Jesus...couldn't be more excited about getting to watch them impact the lives of college students and investing my time and resources into their growth and development...

3. Watching God continue to broaden and strengthen my heart and head when it comes to global realities and our need to be a voice and change agent for the oppressed and broken and forgotten people and systems in our world...a new exposure to and decision to help others respond to the issue of immigration reform in our country and my community has once again connected me with the heart of God and the values and teachings of Scripture...wouldn't have dreamed even 3 months ago that this issue would be a centerpiece in my job, personal life, and faith journey...

4 Visions for 2014:

1. Better physical care of myself...recently read a book called EAT, MOVE, SLEEP that helped frame for me some targets that I need to pursue to make my stewardship of my body and life more fruitful and honoring the one who made me to function well instead of failing to discipline myself in these areas...

2. Intentionally creating experiences and conversations for our family that cause us to seek to live a bit of a counter-cultural life as followers of Jesus in the schools and churches and neighborhoods and communities of our suburban American world and lifestyle where God has placed us and called us in this season...exciting to talk and think and act together on this challenge before us...

3. Seeking to grow and maybe even double the impact of NIGHT OF NETS in helping to end malaria in sub-Saharan Africa...the key will be me empowering others and inviting other schools and groups to be part of this project...and we will be fueled up once again by the Zambian people and church on another trip in May as we see the need and partner with our friends on the other side of the world in changing family's lives through the distribution and use of a simple $6 bed net...

4. Reading & Writing...I've discovered that these two things deeply affect my capacity to lead well, the level of my personal energy & spirit, and it truly is one of the things I can do to most affect others God brings into my life as His follower...more books, more blogs, and more engagement with ideas and truths and Scripture and stories daily and weekly and in special seasons will bear much fruit in 2014...

What are your reflections looking back and your goals/visions for the new year ahead?

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